Parish Council Meeting
The next Blaxton Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 19th February 2025 at 7.00pm in Blaxton Village Hall.
The Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting will be available here 3 working days before
Members of the public are only allowed to speak in the ordinary meeting during the time allocated for Public Participation.
What is an NHS Health Check?
The NHS Health Check is a free health check-up for adults in England aged 40-74. It’s designed to help spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. As we
get older, we have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions. An NHS Health Check helps find ways to lower this risk.
Why should I have a NHS Health Check?
It’s not only an opportunity to put right any health problems, but to get personalised advice on keeping yourself healthy and active in the future. After a check you will be more confident and know
more about your health. You should also receive personalised advice on how to improve or maintain your health. It will give you the knowledge you need to take control of your health.
The Cinnamon Trust needs more dog walking volunteers in Blaxton
The Cinnamon Trust is the national charity whose wonderful volunteers help people over retirement age and those in the latter stages of a terminal illness by offering all kinds of free pet care. We are looking for dog walking volunteers to help a resident of Blaxton and their delightful dog who would love to go for a good walk.
Many elderly or ill pet owners worry about their ability to provide proper care for their animals and start looking to rehome what may be their only companion. This is where our national network of dedicated volunteers step in to offer support enabling them to stay together. We’ll walk the dog for a housebound owner, we’ll foster pets when owners need hospital or hospice care, and even clean out the bird cage or litter trays.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you can download our volunteer registration form from our web site or email us at If you would like to have a more in-depth chat about becoming a volunteer, please call us during office hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) on 01736 758 701, or you can check out our website for more details.
The Cinnamon Trust is a Registered Charity No: 1134680. The Cinnamon Trust is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: 10 Market Square, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4HE. Company Number 07004861
Blaxton Parish Council
Notice of conclusion of audit
Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2024
Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)
Emma Lear
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Blaxton Village Hall, Back Lane
Blaxton, Doncaster DN9 3AJ
Between the hours of 10:00 – 16:00 Monday to Friday by prior appointment
Announcement made by: Emma Lear
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Date of announcement: 5th of September 2024
Certified AGAR can be viewed here
Report an Incident Online to South Yorkshire Police
This link will take you to the non-urgent Online Reporting facility of the South Yorkshire Police website -
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) became law on 25 May 2018.
You can find the Council's Data Protection Privacy Notice required by GDPR here.
The Parish Council hopes that you find this site interesting and informative.
If you have any information or photographs relating to Blaxton please contact us.
Planning Applications
The City of Doncaster Council (CDC) notifies the Parish Council about Planning Applications relating to developments in Blaxton and, if appropriate, the surrounding area. Brief details are included on the Agenda for Parish Council meetings.
Full details of Applications can be found on the CDC 'Public Access' Planning website by using this link. To view the details of an application you will need to enter the application number eg. 12/34567/FUL in the 'Application Reference' box. Application numbers can be found on Parish Council Agendas and Minutes. When you have found the application in which you are interested you will be able to view various details, make comments during the consultation period and view comments submitted by others.
You can also use the CDC 'Public Access' Planning website to search for applications by Parish, address and various other ways as you will see if you click the link above.