Blaxton Parish Council has five Members and nominations for the voluntary positions of Parish Councillor are invited by Doncaster City Council, usually every four years.
The next time that nominations will be invited will be in April 2025. If more than five nominations are received there will be an election.
The Council is committed to working on behalf of the local community to maintain and improve the local area and to give residents a sense of pride and encourage them to become involved in developing a greater sense of community.
The Parish Council usually meets on the third Wednesday of the month. There are no meetings in August and December.
Councillor details and memberships of other bodies, where they represent the Council, are shown below.
For more information about the Parish Council click on the links on the left of this page.
Richard Johnson - Parish Councillor and Chair of the Parish Council
Ashlyne, Chapel Lane, Finningley, Doncaster, DN9 3DJ
Phone: 01302 772772 Email:
Representative on:-
Jacob Hill - Parish Councillor and Vice Chair of the Parish Council
Phone: 07500 650760 Email:
Representative on:-
Paul Raybould - Parish Councillor
Phone: 07967 180875 Email:
Representative on:-
Janet Steventon - Parish Councillor
Phone: 07846 284383 Email:
Representative on:-
Ian Collett - Parish Councillor
Phone: Email:
Representative on:-
Emma Lear - Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
c/o Blaxton Village Hall, Back Lane, Blaxton, Doncaster, DN9 3AJ
07804055775 Email: