Blaxton Parish Council
Blaxton Parish Council

Remembrance at Blaxton War Memorial on 13

 November 2022


Thank you to all who attended the Remembrance Service at Blaxton War Memorial led by Reverend Neil Redeyoff and Church representatives on 13 November 2022.


Thanks also to the uniform organisations – 558 Finningley Squadron Air Training Corps, 4th Doncaster Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, local Guides, Brownies and Rainbows and local schools.  Special thanks and appreciation to Mr Eric Allsopp for laying the Poppy Wreath on behalf of Blaxton Parish Council and, to Bugler Lewis Adams.

Remembrance November 2020

War Memorial

War Memorial Makeover


Work will start on 28 August 2019 to improve the War Memorial site on Bank End Road near to the Blue Bell Public House.


The Council appreciates the design work done by John Mason, Ink Architectural, 24 Lower Pasture, Blaxton, Doncaster, DN9 3RF, 07717 783828, Sudstech Permeable Paving Solutions for the top surface, G Wilkinson Construction for organising the works and Auckley Parish Council for a contribution towards the work.


A schematic plan of the works can be seen at the link below but it should be noted that an additional Cherry tree will also be planted at the front right of the Memorial.


Work should take 4 to 5 weeks and photographs will be posted here and on the Council's Facebook Page as work progresses.


Photographs of the work as it progressed are shown below.

23 October 2019 - Work Complete and Floodlights on

29/30 August 2019

17 September 2019

24 September 2019 - Sub-base laid

2 October 2019 - Sudstech Resin Bound paving surface laid

Week Beginning 7 October 2019 - Almost Complete

Schematic Diagram


Schematic Plans August 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [792.3 KB]

Grade ll Listing for Memorial

The Parish Council is pleased to record that the War Memorial was been awarded Grade ll listing status in March 2018.  Further details can be found at the link below:- 

Blaxton War Memorial Grade ll Listing 03[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [102.5 KB]

Courtesy of Google Earth

Recently cleaned Memorial - July 2015


Did you know you can report issues directly to City of Doncaster Council (CDC)?


Issues such as road/pavement defects, spillages on the road, street lighting, parking, dog fouling, anti-social behaviour, bins/recycling, litter, environment etc




01302 736000

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01302 341628






Contact CDC on

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office hours



Activities for Everyone!

Pilates, Fitness, Knit & Natter Witchcraft, Indoor Bowls, Table Tennis, Dance, 

  Click here to see the timetable of all activities in Blaxton Village Hall.

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